Saturday, July 9, 2011

This is why we're here...

This morning, we awoke at 5am to be on the road by 5:45 to the Akshaya Patra soup kitchen ( an organization which is responsible for feeding over one million children who attend government funded schools...what an amazing place..they welcomed us so warmly and showed us around...

Then, on to the best part, the schools!!!

We went to visit the Sindi Secondary Govt.School to serve them their lunch..this is a government funded is mainly conducted in Hindi with some English introduced later in years..

                                                                          Fourth graders!

Serving Dal...

What an amazing day and it's only 12:40pm!

Later, we will be visiting City Palace and some bazaars...

Yoga remains to be done..keeping my fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like it is so amazing! I can't wait to hear all the stories and see pics!! love you!
